
Ten Years On: Fighting The Dale Farm Production Order

Below are two articles written during the time of the legal challenge against the Dale Farm production order. Dale Farm was an Irish Traveller site at Cray’s Hill in Essex that in October 2011 was brutally evicted by hundreds of riot police. The first article was released on the NUJ London Photographers Branch website, the second released in the March 2012 edition of The Journalist magazine.

The eight month legal battle was fraught with multiple obstacles, from preparing to be raided after midnight one winter’s night, to having to fend off false accusations from a very small and specific group of people that my footage had already been handed over to Essex police.

Even though ten years have past since the eviction and the subsequent legal battle many of the concerns raised in these articles still hold true today. Continue reading

Netpol: War on Dissent?


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The Justice Alliance #Time4Justice Campaign

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